Our Standards

Standards of Membership and Affiliation

任何类别的会员(会员)或附属机构(附属机构)的申请人必须符合以下标准才能被考虑录取, 并且必须继续遵守这些标准,以保持在NAPFA的资格和良好的信誉.

1. NAPFA’s definition of a Fee-Only financial planner

NAPFA将收费财务顾问定义为完全由客户补偿的人,顾问或任何关联方都不会因购买或销售金融产品而获得补偿. Neither Members nor Affiliates may receive commissions, rebates, awards, finder’s fees, 因客户执行个人的规划建议而获得他人的奖金或其他形式的补偿. "Fee-offset" arrangements, 12b-1 fees, 以交易为基础的保险回扣或续订和包费安排是不符合NAPFA对只收费做法定义的补偿安排的例子. If you have questions about specific compensation arrangements, please contact the NAPFA Membership Manager.

跟踪佣金是与销售相关的报酬,可以防止NAPFA成员将其或其公司的报酬方式描述为“仅收费”.” However, 在有限的情况下,NAPFA会发现一个潜在的NAPFA成员将他们或他们的公司的补偿方法称为“只收费”, notwithstanding the receipt of trailing commission. More specifically, if there is no other Sales-Related Compensation, and the applicant: (a) requests a transfer or assignment of the Financial Assets paying trailing commission to a person or entity that is not a Related Party; (b) contacts the entities paying the trailing commission that may not be so transferred and requests that these entities discontinue paying any trailing commission; and (c) donates any and all remaining trailing commission to a 501 c(3) charity. In that circumstance, NAPFA会发现,成员申请人将其或其公司的补偿方法称为“仅收费”并不是对补偿方法作出虚假或误导性陈述. If they otherwise qualified for NAPFA membership, 如果满足上述条件并同意以下事项,这将不排除它们成为NAPFA成员:

  • 提交证明所获得的步道全部已捐赠给慈善机构的文件(包括步道补偿的说明和数额相等的慈善捐赠收据).
  • To attest yearly that they continue to donate any trails compensation to charity.


2. Prohibition of certain ownership interests and employment relationships

会员或附属机构均不得在接受佣金的金融服务行业公司(见下文定义)中拥有任何权益或受雇于该公司, rebates, 奖励或任何形式的补偿被NAPFA会员或隶属标准所禁止. 成员或附属机构的关联方(见下文定义)不得在接受佣金的金融服务行业公司(见下文定义)中拥有权益, rebates, 奖励或任何形式的补偿被NAPFA会员或隶属标准所禁止; and to whom the member or affiliate makes referrals or otherwise directs business. “关联方”系指与会员或关联公司共享收入或经济利益的业务同事或家庭成员. A related party may include, but is not limited to, a business partner or an officer or Director of a Member's or Affiliate's business, or a spouse, parent, dependent minor child, an adult child still residing in the home, or other dependent. “金融服务业公司”包括提供任何类型金融服务的任何实体或个人, e.g., securities broker or dealer, investment adviser, asset manager, investment company, banking institution, savings institution, trust company, mortgage bank, credit union, savings and loan association, insurance broker or dealer or agent, real estate broker or agent, commodities broker or dealer or agent. 任何人士如对上述禁令是否适用于他或她的情况有疑问,可向NAPFA会员委员会提出书面查询,由委员会作出决定. 上文项目1所概述的bet5365首页手机版下载审查补偿安排的程序同样适用于bet5365首页手机版下载所有权和就业情况的调查. 申请成为NAPFA首次会员或附属会员,如对所有权及/或雇用安排有疑问,请向会员委员会查询 in advance of submission of a complete application form.

3. Compliance with NAPFA standards and industry regulations

  • must abide by the NAPFA Code of Ethics, Standards of Membership and Affiliation, Bylaws, 理事会通过的决议以及《365bet线上盘口app官网》中规定的所有规则.
  • agree to comply with all federal and state statutes, rules, regulations, administrative and judicial rulings, 以及其他适用于提供财务规划或咨询相关服务的机构.
  • agree that they will make all appropriate filings, amendments and renewals as appropriate to required filings with regulatory authorities. This shall include, but is not limited to, Form ADV. As a condition of NAPFA membership, any and all Form ADV filings may be reviewed by the Membership Task Force.

4. Prompt notification of certain disciplinary and legal events.

会员和附属机构有持续的义务通知NAPFA国家办公室, in a prompt manner and in writing, of significant disciplinary and legal events. These events include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • any disciplinary inquiry or proceeding initiated by any federal, state or local civil or criminal authority or regulatory body, 包括与该个人有关联的公司有关的任何调查或诉讼;
  • 由认证或会员组织或机构发起的任何纪律调查或程序,个人受其约束, e.g., Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, State Board of Public Accountancy;
  • any bankruptcy, receivership, 或为个人或个人持有5%或以上权益的任何实体的债权人的利益或保护而作出的其他类型的转让或安排.

如果申请人未能遵守管理该专业的法规或条例,NAPFA保留拒绝会员资格的权利, 或者在因专业服务引起的民事索赔辩护中失败, unless such violations or claims are not material.


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